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Local Input

You Speak. We listen.

Local Input is a service provided by SCI Consulting Group focused on assisting government, community and private sectors communicate with each other and working together to achieve common goals and objectives through outreach and public engagement. Local Input works with public agencies to inform and educate the community, reach consensus, or increase participation through new methods of public interaction by data sharing with interactive media.

Keep Communities Informed

Working To Inform Our Communities

Local Input is dedicated to engaging, educating and informing communities about their local government in an effort to involve citizens in specific local public needs and how these local needs can be met.

What’s Happening In Your Community

All Hands In

Find out what’s happening in your community, what are the local public needs of your community? Get involved, make informed decisions.

Community Outreach and Engagement

Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District

Measure DD – Commercial Cannabis Business Tax

In the November 2024 election, voters in the Monterey County Regional Fire Protection District will be asked to decide on Measure DD. This measure concerns the potential repeal of the District’s Commercial Cannabis Business Tax (Measure H), originally approved by voters in 2018.

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City of Winters Fire Department

Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Measure

Winters Fire Department is proposing a new measure to ensure continued and improved fire protection and emergency response services. Property owners within the City of Winters will receive a ballot by mail that will allow them to decide whether continued and improved fire protection, fire suppression, and emergency response services should be provided.

Winters Fire Station

Madison Fire Protection District

Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Measure

The Madison Fire Protection District is proposing a new measure to ensure continued and improved fire protection and emergency response services. Property owners within the Fire District will receive a ballot by mail that will allow them to decide whether continued and improved fire protection, fire suppression, and emergency response services should be provided.

Madison Fire Truck

City of Watsonville

Vista Montaña Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Assessment District

A Landscape & Lighting Assessment District is a flexible tool used by local government agencies to finance the cost and expense of operating, maintaining, and servicing landscaping and lighting improvements in public areas. LLMADs are typically established when subdivisions are built. All services in these areas are directly funded through individual homeowner property tax assessments for homes that benefit from these services.

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Capay Valley Fire Protection District

Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Measure

The Capay Valley Fire Protection District is proposing a new measure to ensure continued and improved fire protection and emergency response services. Property owners within the Fire District will receive a ballot by mail that will allow them to decide whether continued and improved fire protection, fire suppression, and emergency response services should be provided.

Capay Fire Station

West Plainfield Fire Protection District

Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Measure

The West Plainfield Fire Protection District is proposing a new measure to ensure continued and improved fire protection and emergency response services. Property owners within the Fire District will receive a ballot by mail that will allow them to decide whether continued and improved fire protection, fire suppression, and emergency response services should be provided.

Wpl Firestation2

Willow Oak Fire Protection District

Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Measure

The Willow Oak Fire Protection District is proposing a new measure to ensure continued and improved fire protection and emergency response services. Property owners within the Fire District will receive a ballot by mail that will allow them to decide whether continued and improved fire protection, fire suppression, and emergency response services should be provided.


City of Colfax

Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) November 2022 Ballot Measure

About the TOT Measure

On May 25, 2022, the Colfax City Council unanimously approved Resolution No. 15-2022, which placed an ordinance related to the City’s Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) on the November 8, 2022, ballot. In order to pass, the ordinance needs to be approved by a simple majority of voters.


South Placer Fire Protection District

Committed to the Well Being of the South Placer Community

The South Placer Fire Protection District is an independent special district formed in 1952 and governed by a locally-elected, seven member Board of Directors. The Fire District operates five staffed stations and one vacant fire station. The District service area covers approximately 55 square miles and serves a growing population of 42,000.

South Placer Fire District Engine 19

Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District

Improved Mosquito, Vector and Disease Testing and Control Assessment (Prop 218. Assessment)

Antelope Valley MVCD was established by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 1958 as a public health agency. Since its formation, the District has increased its size from approximately 178 square miles to over 287 square miles, including the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, as well as Quartz Hill. The Mosquito District is currently funded by a very small portion of local property taxes, and an insufficient yearly special assessment that was established in 1958. The revenues collected from this assessment are not only insufficient, but have been historically low in comparison to neighboring agencies. As a property owner within the District, you are being asked to vote on a proposed funding measure to ensure continued and improved mosquito, vector, and disease control services in your area.

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El Distrito del Control de Mosquitos y Vectores de la Valle de Antelope

Control de Mosquitos, Vectores, y Enfermedades (Evaluación de la Proposición 218)

El Distrito del Control de Mosquitos y Vectores de la Valle de Antelope fue establecido por la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Los Ángeles en 1958 como una agencia de salud pública. Desde su formación, el Distrito ha aumentado su tamaño de aproximadamente 178 millas cuadradas a más de 287 millas cuadradas, incluidas las ciudades de Lancaster y Palmdale, y la area de Quartz Hill. Actualmente, el Distrito está financiado por una porción muy pequeña de los impuestos locales sobre la propiedad y una evaluación especial anual insuficiente que se estableció en 1958. Los ingresos recaudados de esta evaluación no solo son insuficientes, sino que han sido históricamente bajos en comparación con las agencias vecinas. Como dueño de una propiedad dentro del Distrito, se le pide que vote sobre una propuesta de medida de financiamiento para garantizar servicios continuos y mejorados de control de mosquitos, vectores y enfermedades en su área.

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